Emergent Wellness is the world’s first Wellness Industry CEO coaching and peer-to-peer advisory organization for small and midsize business leaders. We offer the most effective approach to achieve better results, grow you company faster and maximize your impact as a leader.
EW's leadership team has more than 60 years of experience in the Wellness Industry and managing million-dollar companies. EW helps CEOs, business owners and key executives reach new levels of success through intentional collaboration.
Your Roundtable Group gives you the perspective you need to make better decisions.
A Vistage peer advisory group is made up of other Wellness Industry professionals. It’s like having a highly experienced, confidential, private advisory board to troubleshoot problems, vet ideas and identify blind spots.
The business leaders who make up your peer advisory group are business owners that have no agenda but to help each other succeed. Emergent Wellness offers opportunities for developing new income streams, obtaining new leads, and building a business that works for you rather than one that works you over.
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